Welcome, Miss Juliet

Division 25
Blueprints & Records

Making use of human DNA, we are able to eradicate as many differences from a normal human design as possible. With more testing done, it seems that Juliet’s DNA fights the implementation of Eterna and nonbiological makeup the least. Further investigation is needed, but it is likely that FR-347 is likely to share an “XX” chromosome lineup. However, with the mix of eucalyptus chloroplast and tungsten alloy, its design could be as unique as any other child. Only time will tell.

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After Juliet’s discovery of Eterna from the leaves and sap of eucalyptus globulus, we are determined to find out what sort of mutation could have caused this energized liquid. As much as Penina and I like to call it a fluid version of ATP, it could be more complicated than that. Excess debris leftover from the war could have something to do with it. Trace amounts of oil and gasoline from tanks and cars have made their way back into the soil as different vehicles lay abandoned. However, it is also likely that the increased amounts of technology usage and neglect from 2083 and beyond could have caused an almost advanced evolution to take place. Having to not only fight with other flora and fauna, but now different metals scattered across the plains would make the need for increased energy vital for plant life. Perhaps there are other fuels embedded in the forest, waiting to be found.

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After the fiasco with DROMEDA, we were all disappointed with our work. Until, after a few days’ rest, we discovered that it was memory that would make an entity that could simulate human emotion. It wouldn’t be easy, given how many of us there are and how many experiences we each have. Using a jewelry drive, we plan to implement a copy of our memories into FR-347’s data, mixing them together to not only create a unique intelligence, but a superior one. I had Abigaile supply some different designs for it. She suggested we keep the look a secret to surprise Juliet. The ring would be sleek and efficient, but if it is too small, it won’t be able to hold all of our personalities at once. Better to try the necklace. It gives the best of both worlds.

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With such a unique fuel source, there needs to be an equally unique engine design. This isn’t a gasoline tank. When’s the last time you had to open up your chest and refill your blood? We have to keep the Eterna cycling through the body, so as to become a never-ending fuel source. The best way to do that is to create a heart. Well, a Hippocampus Energized Artificial Intelligence Recollection Transfusion, but H.E.A.R.T. rolls off the tongue better. This will not only cycle the energy over and over, but it will transfer our memories through the liquid. I should get Jenny to teach me some more about the neuroscience of it all because unless it has a gear or a pump involved, I’m just as confused as anyone else. Maybe I’ll show her some engineering designs, make it a competition to see who’s got the harder job.


I am never letting anyone else suffer the way I had to suffer. If I have to take my life into my own hands, then so be it. I’ve been doing some research on my time off. I think I have a design that could work with just a few changes. If I can focus it into the amygdala, I bet I can separate the good memories from the bad. But I still don’t know how the device would be able to determine what is deemed as a “good” memory and what is a “bad” memory. I’ll have to spend some more time on it, which shouldn’t be too much of a problem.
